Call for Sponsors

The Digital Learning Symposium is Western Canada’s premier digital learning conference, attracting delegates from BC, Canada, and abroad in K-12 & Post-Secondary sectors. Public and independent BC Provincial Online Schools (POLS-P/I) are in their second year of implementation of the new provincial online learning model, including being in their first year of the Accountability & Quality Assurance (AQA) framework. Educators, administration, support staff, learners, and families continue to adjust to the new policy and procedures developed in conjunction with BC education stakeholders and Indigenous rights holders; this includes the use of D2L Brightspace as the new Learning Management System (LMS), as well as the AQA framework. The event is focused on fostering existing connections and forging new relationships amongst educational partners, leaders, educators, and sponsors/vendors.



Sponsorship Package May 2025 DL Symposium.pdf
DL Symposium Protocols & Cancellation Policies May 2025.pdf

Contact Shannon Himmelright, BCEDL Vice President, at if you have any questions, or would like to create a custom sponsorship experience.